Support at Home program resources

A list of resources – including apps, audio and video resources and other publications – about the Support at Home program.


In-home aged care update – Webinar

This webinar will give in-home aged care providers an update on the Single Assessment System, the Support at Home program’s Assistive Technology and Home Modifications (AT-HM) Scheme, and the actions providers need to take to be ready for the Support at Home program ahead of 1 July 2025.

Ensuring the future of quality aged care – Video

Everyone with an interest in aged care was invited to join this webinar to learn more about the Aged Care Bill 2024, the Government’s response to the Aged Care Taskforce final report, and the Support at Home program.

Support at Home program questions and answers session – Older people, families and carers

This targeted questions and answers session provided an opportunity to ask us questions about the Support at Home program and transition.

Support at Home program questions and answers session – In-home aged care providers

This targeted questions and answers session provided an opportunity to ask us questions about the Support at Home program and transition.

Ensuring the future of quality aged care – Webinar

Everyone with an interest in aged care was invited to join this webinar to learn more about the Aged Care Bill 2024, the Government’s response to the Aged Care Taskforce final report, and the Support at Home program.

Support at Home program update – Webinar

This webinar gave aged care providers and older people, families and carers an update on the Support at Home program.

New Aged Care Act and Support at Home program update

This webinar provided updates on the development of the new Aged Care Act, a new model for regulating aged care, the strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards, and in-home aged care reforms, including the new Support at Home program. It will also include a live question-and-answer session.

New Aged Care Act and Support at Home program update

This webinar, held on 14 December 2023, provided updates on: the development of the new Aged Care Act, a new model for regulating aged care, the strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards, and in-home aged care reforms, including the new Support at Home program. It also included a live Q&A session.

Reforming in-home aged care update – 18 May 2023

This webinar provides an update to older people, their families and carers, and the aged care sector on in-home aged care reform.

Reforming in-home aged care update – 7 December 2022

This webinar is for older Australians, their families and carers, and the aged care sector. It provides an update on the feedback we received on a new program for in-home aged care discussion paper. The webinar outlines the next steps for the reforms.

Reforming in-home aged care and regulation update – 31 August 2022

The Australian Government extended the reforms to in-home aged care until July 2024. This webinar will give older Australians, their families and carers, and the aged care sector an update on the reforms. The update will include progress on a new Aged Care Act and regulatory arrangements.

Support at Home Program and Regulation Update – Webinar

This webinar will discuss the Support at Home Program overview and summary documents recently released. The status of Support at Home regulation development and upcoming consultation opportunities will also be highlighted.

Reforms in home care

This webinar will outline how the aged care reforms will help senior Australians to remain independent and in control, living at home and connected to their community.

Webinar slides

Fact sheets

Support at Home program handbook

This document outlines the core components of the Support at Home program design and arrangements from 1 July 2025.

Support at Home service list

This document outlines the services that participants can access under the Support at Home program.

Support at Home – Fact sheet

This fact sheet provides a summary of the Support at Home program that will commence 1 July 2025. It also outlines the contributions participants in the program will pay.


Assistive Technologies and Home Modifications Scheme for in-home aged care

The department is considering how best to deliver an assistive technologies and home modifications scheme in the new in-home aged care program. This report reflects the output from a co-design process with older people, their families and carers, industry professionals and government stakeholders.

Co-designing the care management role for the Support at Home Program

This report details the outcomes of co-design workshops exploring the future roles and responsibilities of the care manager. It provides recommendations for how this service might be structured so it best meets the needs of the aged care system in Australia.

A new program for in-home aged care – Discussion paper

This discussion paper canvasses key issues in the design of reforms to in-home aged care. It seeks the views of older Australians, their families and carers, the aged care sector, and any other community stakeholders on 5 key areas for the design of a new in-home aged care program.

Commonwealth Home Support Programme Data Study

We engaged Deloitte Access Economics to conduct a data study of the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) to better understand variations across the states, territories, markets and consumer groups. This report presents the highlights and main patterns from the data analysis.
Date last updated:

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