The final design of Support at Home is still subject to change, pending further decisions from Government, and consideration of past, current and future research, consultation and engagements.
Key elements of the new program
The new Support at Home program will provide:
- a single program for in-home aged care, bringing together some of the current programs
- upfront supports to maintain independence, such as allied health, assistive technology and home modifications
- new classifications levels to better meet a person’s aged care needs
- reasonable prices and client contributions set by government.
The proposed new design features will be introduced in 2 stages:
- From 1 July 2025, Support at Home will replace Home Care Packages (HCP) and the Short-Term Restorative Care (STRC) Programme.
- The Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) will transition to the new program no earlier than July 2027.
The following design features are currently proposed to commence from July 2025.
In mid-2024, we will make information available about the final program arrangements and what they mean for existing HCP, STRC and CHSP clients.
Accessing services
Single Assessment System
From 1 July 2024, older people will be assessed through the new Single Assessment System using the new Integrated Assessment Tool (IAT) for all existing aged care services.
When Support at Home begins, this process will determine whether a person is eligible to participate in the program.
If approved, the Support at Home participant will receive an individual support plan to give to their provider, which will contain:
- their classification
- a quarterly budget
- approval for short-term supports, assistive technology and home modifications, and/or ongoing services.
We are developing a classification framework that will specify the level of funding available for each class. This framework will improve upon the current 4 package levels available through Home Care Packages.
Support at Home participants accessing ongoing services will be assigned to a funding class that aligns with their assessed aged care needs.
Single service provider
A single Support at Home provider will manage and deliver a participant’s services to meet their needs, within their quarterly budget.
The single provider will also be responsible for arranging and sourcing any required assistive technology and/or home modifications.
Ongoing services
Support at Home participants will be assigned a quarterly budget based on their classification level for ongoing services. Services can be adjusted as needs change within the quarterly budget.
There will be a service list that outlines all ongoing services available under Support at Home.
Short-term supports
Support at Home participants will have access to short-term reablement supports to help maintain and improve independence and reduce reliance on ongoing services.
Assistive Technology and Home Modifications Scheme
From 1 July 2025, we will introduce a new Assistive Technology and Home Modifications (AT-HM) Scheme. This scheme will be separately funded to give participants access to AT-HM funding upfront without needing to save up funds from their individual budgets.
We are finalising the design of the AT-HM Scheme, pending ongoing research and consultation.
The final design is expected to include:
- a list that outlines items included and excluded from the AT-HM Scheme
- immediate access to a defined list of low-risk, low-cost equipment recommended in a participant’s assessment
- access to home modifications and more complex assistive technology items through a prescription from an allied health professional with wraparound support to ensure the item is used safely and effectively
- an AT-HM provision pathway for older people with progressive conditions
- a possible National Assistive Technology Loans Scheme in partnership with states and territories.
Restorative Care Pathway
Participants will have access to a short-term program of allied health support to build strength and capabilities, similar to the current STRC Programme.
Support will be available for up to 12 weeks, an increase from the 8 weeks available under the STRC Programme.
End-of-Life Pathway
We have proposed a new End-of-Life Pathway for older people who have been diagnosed with 3 months or less to live.
For existing participants, this will be in addition to ongoing services, to increase the palliative support available during this period.
Provider payment arrangements
Fee for service
After delivering a service to a person, Support at Home providers will invoice us, which will be paid against:
- the participant’s ongoing services budget
- the participant’s short-term support funds
- the provider’s care management funds.
Providers will be able to invoice as regularly as they wish to ensure regular cash flow.
We will set price caps for each service based on advice from the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA).
Set prices cover administration costs, so there will be no separate charges on top of the participant’s ongoing services budget.
Thin market grants
Providers operating in thin markets may receive supplementary grants.
Grants are expected to be 3 to 5-year terms and will involve a competitive application process.
Eligibility criteria may include:
- delivering in MM 3 to MM 7 areas
- delivering to culturally and linguistically diverse communities
- delivering to First Nations communities
- delivering specialised services to people who are LGBTIQA+, Forgotten Australians, homeless, veterans or socially disadvantaged.
We will also assess providers based on:
- evidence that costs exceed the revenue they could make through fee-for-service prices
- their organisational expertise
- their contribution to the local community.
First Nations in-home aged care
We are continuing to engage with First Nations communities and service providers to finalise a First Nations pathway.
This pathway will ensure Support at Home is culturally safe, trauma informed and responsive to the diverse and changing needs of First Nations older people.
Learn more
To find out more about Support at Home:
- view our December 2023 webinar slides and recording
- read our frequently asked questions