Single Assessment System for aged care

We are establishing a new Single Assessment System to simplify and improve aged care assessments. The new system makes it easier for older people to access government-funded aged care services as their needs change.

About the system

Read about the Single Assessment System and why it’s important.

About the workforce

We have brought together the previous aged care assessment workforces to simplify access to aged care.

Aged care needs assessments

See guidance on how to assess eligibility for government-funded aged care services.

Residential aged care funding assessments

See guidance on how to assess for residential aged care funding classification

New Single Assessment System workforce

The Single Assessment System workforce has brought together and replaced the Regional Assessment Service, Aged Care Assessment Teams and independent Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) assessment organisations.  

As of 9 December 2024, assessment organisations are funded to conduct: 

  • all aged care needs assessments for in-home aged care, flexible aged care programs, residential respite and entry into residential aged care
  • residential aged care funding assessments. 

We are working with new, continuing and exiting assessment organisations to support a smooth transition. There should be no disruptions for anyone waiting for an assessment. 

Find more information about the Single Assessment System workforce.  

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Reform readiness for NATSIFAC providers – Webinar

This webinar will give National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care (NATSIFAC) providers an overview of upcoming changes to the NATSIFAC program. Topics will include new worker screening requirements, the single assessment system and what the new Act means for providers.

In-home aged care update – Webinar

This webinar gave in-home aged care providers an update on the Single Assessment System, the Support at Home program’s Assistive Technology and Home Modifications (AT-HM) Scheme, and the actions providers need to take to be ready for the Support at Home program ahead of 1 July 2025.

Date last updated:

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