Prevention – Outbreak Plan Improvement (POPI) program

The POPI program helps Victorian residential aged care facilities to identify and address any gaps in their COVID-19 outbreak management plans. The Victorian Aged Care Response Centre runs the program.

About the program 

The Prevention – Outbreak Plan Improvement Program (POPI) program supports Victorian residential aged care facilities (RACFs) to identify and address any gaps in their COVID-19 outbreak management plan. 

The Victorian Aged Care Response Centre (VACRC) runs the program as a collaborative process with Victorian RACFs.   


The POPI program’s goal is to help Victorian RACFs to respond rapidly to COVID-19 exposures and outbreaks within their facility.   

By the end of a POPI session, RACFs can: 

  • ensure that they have an up-to-date outbreak management plan that is comprehensive and resident centred 

  • mitigate the risks and impact of COVID-19 

  • access information to establish strong governance and leadership structures 

  • develop a communication framework for outbreaks/exposures 

  • access and monitor for updates in public health directions for COVID-19 infections. 

Participating in POPI also helps RACFs to develop some of the resources required by aged care quality standards. This includes Standard 3 Requirement (3) (g) (minimisation of infection-related risks). 

POPI discussions 

The VACRC prevention team conduct POPI discussions via video link. The team provides a copy of questions in advance, but RACF staff do not need to do any specific preparation.  

Discussions emphasise the need for readily accessible resources and information in an outbreak or exposure. The team cover various aspects of planning, with a strong focus on: 

  • human rights 

  • resident safety and wellbeing 

  • establishing strong governance and leadership structures 

  • consultation and collaboration with relevant agencies and stakeholders. 

The team sends written feedback to each RACF, including recommended actions to improve their preparedness. RACFs also receive a copy of the VACRC Outbreak Management Plan – Good Practice Guide


Since Februrary 2021, the VACRC prevention team has worked with over 200 RACFs under the POPI program. 

View all VACRC information

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