Primary Health Networks

Australia’s 31 Primary Health Networks (PHNs) are independent organisations working to streamline health services – particularly for those at risk of poor health outcomes – and to better coordinate care so people receive the right care, in the right place, at the right time.

What PHNs are

Read about what PHNs are and how their work helps improve our health system.

What PHNs do

Find out how PHNs tailor health care to the needs of their community. 

How we support PHNs

Learn about key priorities for PHNs and how we support their work.

Your local PHN

Find your local PHN using an interactive map or a list of regions in your state or territory.

Find your PHN

Use our locator map to find the location, boundaries and contact details of Primary Health Networks.

Go to interactive map

PHN resources

PHN resources

Primary Health Network (PHN) locator

Use our locator map to find the location, boundaries and contact details of Primary Health Networks (PHNs). You can overlap this with other area boundaries, such as local government areas.
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