Nurse Practitioner Workforce Plan

The Nurse Practitioner Workforce Plan supports nurse practitioners to deliver health and aged care services. The plan addresses barriers that have prevented them from working to their full potential.

About the plan

Nurse practitioners (NPs) have a significant role in the delivery of health and aged care to people in Australia.

The Nurse Practitioner Workforce Plan supports the growth of a capable and resilient NP workforce that delivers person-centred, evidence-based, safe and compassionate care.

Nurse Practitioner Workforce Plan

The Nurse Practitioner Workforce Plan supports nurse practitioners to deliver health and aged care services. The plan addresses barriers that have prevented them from working to their full potential.


The plan provides a vision to:

  • better utilise NPs to deliver person-centred care
  • improve the accessibility and delivery of NP care
  • support a well-distributed and culturally safe NP workforce.

The plan includes goals across 3 timeframes:

  • one to 3 years – remove barriers affecting the NP workforce.
  • 3 to 5 years – grow, expand and build the NP workforce.
  • 5 to 10 years – increase access to NP care.

We will measure the success of the plan against 4 key outcomes. These are:  

  • increasing NP services across the country
  • improving community awareness and knowledge of NP services
  • supporting NPs to work to their full scope of practice
  • growing the NP workforce to reflect the diversity of the community and improve cultural safety.


The plan states we will form a Nurse Practitioner Workforce Plan Implementation Advisory Group (IAG). The group will advise on implementing the plan, including through monitoring and evaluation of the outcomes.


We set up the IAG to give us advice, with the support of 3 other advisory bodies:

  • Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Reference Group, chaired by the Commonwealth Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer – this group will advise on relevant NP policy and strategy issues through broad nursing stakeholder representation. 
  • National Nursing and Midwifery Education Advisory Network, chaired by the Commonwealth Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer – this group will advise on planning and coordinating education, employment and immigration for NPs. 
  • Australian and New Zealand Council of Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officers – this group looks at issues of national interest for providing NP services. 

Implementation Advisory Group

During the 10-year time frame of the plan, the IAG will:

  • support government and non-government stakeholders to collaborate on the implementation progress; and
  • advise of changes and links to other health reforms.

The IAG membership is made up of 13 external stakeholders and 5 departmental stakeholders. They work together with relevant skills to effectively implement the plan. The Commonwealth Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer chairs the IAG.


Membership is on a representative basis as follows:

Alex NikroDepartment of Health and Aged Care – Medical Benefits and Digital Health Division 
Dr Masha SomiDepartment of Health and Aged Care – Primary Care Division  
Natalie BekisDepartment of Health and Aged Care – Health Workforce Division 
Rebecca PitmanDepartment of Health and Aged Care – Technology Assessment and Access Division 
Stephanie KaiserDepartment of Health and Aged Care – Ageing and Aged Care Group – Market & Workforce Division 
Jacqui CrossAustralian and New Zealand Council of Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officers 
Leanne BoaseAustralian College of Nurse Practitioners 
Jennifer HarlandAustralian College of Nursing 
Lori-Anne SharpAustralian Nursing and Midwifery Federation 
Denise LyonsAustralian Primary Health Care Nurses Association 
Dr Ali Drummond (interim representative)Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives  
John WrightCRANAPlus 
Petrina HalloranNursing and Midwifery Board of Australia 
Professor Karen StricklandThe Council of Deans of Nursing and Midwifery (Australia & New Zealand)  
Jo RootConsumers Health Forum 
Julianne FoxRural Workforce Agencies Network  
Michelle McKayPrimary Health Networks 
Dr Sarah HaytonThe National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation 


The IAG will hold meetings a minimum of 3 times a year. We will publish the communiques here after each meeting.


Related work

The plan is a key component used to develop the National Nursing Workforce Strategy.


Nursing Taskforce contact

Contact us with any questions about the National Nursing Workforce Strategy.
Date last updated:

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