National Dementia Action Plan 2024–2034

The National Dementia Action Plan 2024–2034 (the Action Plan) is Australia’s national dementia policy framework. It aims to improve the lives and care of people living with dementia, their carers and families over the next 10 years.

About the Action Plan

The Action Plan is the result of extensive research, planning and consultation with: 

  • people living with dementia 
  • their carers and families 
  • aged care providers and workers 
  • advocates 
  • peak industry bodies and organisations. 

It will be implemented in partnership with Australian, state and territory governments.

The purpose of the Action Plan is to:

  • provide a vision, setting out where we want to be in 10 years’ time
  • guide actions by Australian, state and territory governments to better integrate policies, services and systems 
  • engage and involve the whole community in promoting the best possible quality of life for people living with dementia, including their emotional wellbeing and identity
  • improve services and systems for people living with dementia and their carers
  • measure progress against the actions.

The Action Plan applies to: 

  • Australian, state and territory governments 
  • health and aged care providers 
  • people living with dementia 
  • their carers and families 
  • the broader community and researchers.

Need for the Action Plan

Dementia is a significant health issue. More than 411,000 Australians were estimated to be living with dementia in 2023. This number is projected to more than double by 2058. Around 1.6 million people are involved in the care of a person with dementia. Diagnosis of people with younger onset dementia is also increasing, including people in their 30s, 40s and 50s. Almost 28,000 people were estimated to have younger onset dementia in 2021, with that number predicted to rise to 39,000 by 2050.

Australia is a global leader in many aspects of dementia care, support and research, but there are gaps and challenges in the current system.

The Action Plan addresses recommendations from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. It aims to: 

  • improve dementia diagnosis and better coordinate post-diagnostic care 
  • increase the understanding and capacity of health and aged care workers 
  • improve support for carers.

The Action Plan puts all people living with dementia, their families and carers at the centre of all action on dementia.

The actions

The Action Plan has 8 high-level actions to increase dementia awareness, reduce the population’s risk of dementia and improve service coordination for those affected.

These actions aim to:

  1. Promote equity and human rights.
  2. Tackle stigma, improve awareness and promote inclusivity.
  3. Empower individuals and communities to minimise risk where they can, and delay onset and progression.
  4. Improve dementia diagnosis and post-diagnostic care and support
  5. Improve treatment, coordination and support for people living with dementia
  6. Support carers of people living with dementia.
  7. Build capability of the workforce to care for and support people living with dementia.
  8. Improve dementia data, maximise the impact of dementia research and promote innovation.


The Action Plan will be implemented through 3 Collective Priority Frameworks. Each will run for 3 to 4 years and set key focus areas for governments. The first framework is expected to be released in mid-2025.

Tracking our progress

We will track the progress of the Action Plan and report annually through an online indicators dashboard. This will be developed by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, as part of the National Centre for Monitoring Dementia.

The dashboard will report each year on measures of progress under each action. This will provide consistent evidence on how well actions taken under the Action Plan are contributing to the vision of improving the lives and care of people living with dementia, their carers and families.  

Australian and state and territory governments will also publish annual reports on activities, including new programs or changes to existing policies or programs. This will support transparency and accountability and detail how activities align with the Action Plan.  

Action Plan development

The Action Plan is the result of extensive research, planning and consultation with: 

  • people living with dementia 
  • their carers and families 
  • aged care providers and workers 
  • advocates 
  • peak industry bodies and organisations. 

It was developed in partnership with Australian, state and territory governments and driven by people living with dementia and their carers and families.

Public feedback on a consultation paper was sought over 2022–23 to help develop and refine the draft Plan. We received feedback through:

  • an online survey
  • email submissions
  • a dedicated 1800 number
  • tailored workshops with people with lived experience of dementia.

The consultation outcomes report summarises feedback on the key elements of the consultation paper. A full summary and condensed versions of the report are available.

To learn more about this consultation process, including statistics and feedback, and to read the consultation paper, visit the Aged Care Engagement Hub.

More information

Find out more about dementia and our programs and support for people with dementia, their carers and families

National Dementia Action Plan 2024–2034

The National Dementia Action Plan 2024–2034 is Australia’s national dementia policy framework. It aims to improve the lives and care of people living with dementia, their carers and families over the next 10 years.


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