Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance in Aged Care Facilities initiative

Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance in Aged Care Facilities has been consolidated into the Global Health initiative under the MRFF 10-year Investment Plan. This initiative helped tackle the threat of microbes such as bacteria, viruses or parasites becoming resistant to standard medical treatments.

About the initiative

This initiative invested $5.9 million in research to tackle the threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in aged care facilities.

It has been consolidated into the Global Health initiative.

Why it was important

When microbes become resistant, antibiotics no longer kill them. This means that infections that antibiotics could cure in the past become life-threatening again.

Antimicrobial resistance is an increasing problem in Australia and worldwide. There are few remaining treatment options for some infections.

We need to keep our existing antibiotics working as well as we can, while we develop new treatment options.


The initiative supported research to:

  • understand how moving patients between residential aged care facilities affects AMR 
  • develop new methods and approaches to prevent, detect and respond to AMR

Who we work with

The Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) funded this initiative.

We granted research funding in 2017 under this initiative.


Tackling AMR has been consolidated into the Global Health initiative under the MRFF 10-year plan.


For more information contact us.

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