Stem Cell Therapies Mission

The Stem Cell Therapies Mission is investing $150 million to develop innovative, safe and effective treatments to improve health outcomes, in partnership with patients and carers.

About the Stem Cell Therapies Mission

The Stem Cell Therapies Mission is investing $150 million to develop innovative, safe and effective stem cell therapies to improve health outcomes, in partnership with patients and carers. It supports projects that

  • develop innovative, safe and effective treatments that improve the lives of patients
  • develop the capacity of the workforce
  • translate stem cell innovations into commercial products.

Why it is important

Stem cell therapy is a proven treatment for blood disorders such as leukaemia, Hodgkin’s disease and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Stem cells have the potential to treat many other types of incurable diseases, bringing hope for treatments and cure where previously there was none.


The objective of this Mission is to support world-leading translational stem cell research that develops and delivers innovative, safe and effective stem cell medicines to improve health outcomes, in partnership with patients and carers.

Meeting our objectives

The Stem Cell Therapies Mission Expert Advisory Panel has developed a Roadmap and Implementation Plan to advise the Minister for Health and Aged Care on the strategic priorities for research investment through the Mission.

The draft Roadmap and Implementation Plan were reviewed by an international panel of experts on 20 November 2020 who provided expert feedback and advice in the context of relevant activities occurring internationally. See the Stem Cell Therapies Mission International Review of the Roadmap and Implementation Plan.

The draft Roadmap and Implementation Plan also underwent a national consultation between 14 December 2020 and 23 April 2021 to seek community feedback on these documents. See the Stem Cell Therapies Mission Roadmap and Implementation Plan National Consultation Report.

Based on the feedback from the international review panel and the national consultation, changes were made to the final Roadmap and Implementation Plan.

The Roadmap and Implementation Plan were published in October 2021 and will be used to develop the Mission’s grant opportunities.

Who we work with

The Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) funds the Mission.

The Stem Cell Therapies Mission Expert Advisory Panel provides advice to the Minister for Health and Aged Care on the strategic priorities for research investment through the Mission by developing a Roadmap and Implementation Plan. 

Our Health and Medical Research Office oversees this and other MRFF initiatives.

The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) administers this Mission.

Apply for funding

View the MRFF grants calendar to see which grants are open, when applications close and when we expect to award funding.

Register with GrantConnect to receive notifications about future funding opportunities under this Mission.

Grants awarded

See a list of all MRFF grant recipients.


For more information, contact us. 

Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) contact

Contact for more information about the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF), or to provide feedback on the MRFF website.
General enquiries:
MRFF website or newsletter feedback:

National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)

The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) funds high quality health and medical research to build research capability, support researchers, encourage the translation of research into better health outcomes and promote the highest ethical standards for health and medical research.
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