Improving respite care for people living with dementia and their carers

We are increasing support for people with dementia and their carers through dementia-specific respite services.

About the program

The program supports carers and families caring for people living with dementia. It provides access to dementia-specific respite support services, and better training for health and aged care workers.

The program delivers:  

  • carer education and wellbeing 
  • innovative approaches to improving the quality and experience of respite care for people with dementia
  • improved respite care planning for people with dementia 
  • increased capability of aged care providers to deliver quality respite care 

Why it is important

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare estimates that there are at least 140,000 unpaid carers – family, friends, or community members – who support people living with dementia. 

Supporting a family member or friend living with dementia can be rewarding, but it can also be emotionally, financially and physically challenging. The program supports carers who care for a person living with dementia at home. Through increased knowledge, skills and capability to provide care, it enables people with dementia to remain living at home and in the community for longer. 


The program aims to:

  • improve the quality and experience of respite care for people living with dementia and their carers
  • reduce levels of carer burden and improve carer wellbeing
  • improve care planning for people with dementia and their carers
  • improve people’s transition between their home and place of respite.

Who we work with

We work with various organisations to deliver dementia-specific respite programs across all states and territories. This includes the delivery of: 

  • combined respite care, where both carers and people with dementia stay together
  • innovative models that trial new approaches to dementia respite care and planning in different settings (including day, overnight, cottage and residential services).

For more information or to express interest in a program in your area, contact one of the following providers.

AreaProviderProgram name
National (all states and territories)HammondCare (through Dementia Support Australia)Staying at Home 
Australian Capital TerritoryBaptistCare NSW and ACT 

The Refresh Retreat

Stronger Carers: Supporting and empowering carers to maintain wellbeing while caring for a loved one with dementia at home

Carers ACTCaring Together and Staying at Home
New South Wales3Bridges CommunityMindful dementia care
BaptistCare NSW and ACTThe Refresh Retreat 
Belong Blue MountainsCarer and Dementia Support: Working together to improve wellbeing
CASS CareThe CASS Respite Club House
Group Homes AustraliaRementia Together 
HammondCare at HomeStaying at Home 
Northern TerritoryCarers NTBuilding Capacity for Quality Dementia Respite Care
QueenslandAnglicare Southern Queensland Carer Group Peer Support and Respite Program
CatholicCare Central QueenslandDementia Together
Centacare Far North QueenslandFlexible Mix and Match Options for People Living with Dementia and their Families
Clifton Community Health ServiceStaying at Home with Dementia  
South AustraliaBarunga Village Inc.Staying at Home – Mid North and York Peninsula
Resthaven IncorporatedStaying at Home in Regional South Australia 
Uniting Communities Inc.Staying at Home 
Southern Cross Care (SA, NT and Vic)Extending independence through better respite care
TasmaniaAustralian Greek Welfare SocietyStronger Together – Mazi Pio Dinati
VictoriaAustralian-Filipino Community ServicesMaharlika Lodge Weekend Away Respite Care
Australian Greek Welfare SocietyStronger Together – Mazi Pio Dinati
Australian Multicultural Community ServicesMulticultural Dementia Friends Wellbeing Centre 
Caladenia Dementia CareRESTED – Respite, Education, Support, Tailored Engagement for people living with Dementia and their carers
Central Highlands Rural Health Treehouse4Two
National Ageing Research Institute3C Program
Princes CourtGreen Care Respite
Western AustraliaAmana LivingThe Pause Program
BaptistCare NSW and ACTThe Refresh Retreat – A Staying at Home Program (WA)
Brightwater Care Group BrightRespite: Nurturing Wellbeing with Respite, Education, and Support for People with Dementia and Their Carers
Southern Cross Care (WA)Introduction to respite for people living with dementia and their carers

Dementia respite care training

The University of Tasmania, supported by Dementia Support Australia, offers training to aged care workers to improve their understanding of the respite needs of people living with dementia and their carers. 

The Dementia Respite Education and Mentoring (DREAM) project adopts a new, innovative and flexible approach to respite training, offering a Community of Practice and coaching to aged care providers.

Read more about the DREAM project

Date last updated:

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