ART Storage Funding Program – fact sheet for patients
Fact sheet
This fact sheet provides an overview of the Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Storage Funding Program, including who is eligible, how funding is provided and your obligations if you take part.
ART Storage Funding Program – fact sheet for clinics
Fact sheet
This fact sheet provides an overview of the Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Storage Funding Program, including patient and service eligibility and how you can take part as a cryostorage provider.
ART Storage Funding Program Guidelines
The ART Storage Funding Program Guidelines provide detailed information about the program for clinics and patients.
ART Storage Funding Program – fact sheet for program registration
Fact sheet
This fact sheet provides an overview of how your ART clinic can register for the program.
ART Storage Funding Program – fact sheet for claiming payment
Fact sheet
This fact sheet provides an overview of how your ART clinic can claim payments under the program.
ART Storage Funding Program – claim form template
This excel template can be populated and uploaded in the HPOS file upload facility in order to claim payment under the program.
ART Storage Funding Program – Privacy collection and consent notice
Fact sheet
The ART Storage Funding privacy collection and consent notice provides clinics and patients with information on what patient information is collected as part of the program.
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