Vaccine Operations Centre – Weekly Operational Update – 5 July 2021

A statement from the Vaccine Operations Centre on the status of the vaccine rollout.

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This week was our biggest week of vaccinations as we reached 8 million doses administered in Australia. This was our fastest million yet, achieved in just 8 days. Thursday 1 July was a record day, with over 163,000 vaccinations recorded.

As many states and territories continue to work to contain COVID cases, the Vaccine Operations Centre (VOC) remains focused on supporting each jurisdiction and ensuring the vaccines we have, are available across the country, where and when they are most needed.

Following the announcements after National Cabinet on Monday 28 June, more than 7,500 people under 40 have chosen, in consultation with their healthcare professional, to take up the AstraZeneca vaccine. They join over 6 million people who have received a first dose.

People in Australia continue to book and receive their second doses, gaining the full protection offered by the vaccines. This week, more than 440,000 people received a second dose and for the first time in the program, there were more second doses administered than first doses in a week.

In addition to the existing data published daily on the VOC is now making available information about vaccine uptake broken down by age and sex. Over the coming weeks, additional data sets will continue to be provided, meeting our commitment to maximises transparency of the program.

In our continued efforts to protect those most vulnerable to COVID-19, the VOC is approaching the important milestone of completing all second dose visits to residential aged care facilities. While the final 2nd dose visit was originally scheduled for Friday 2 July, it will now be completed on 7 July, due to a flu outbreak at the residence.

As of today, more than 11.4 million vaccine doses have been delivered to vaccination sites by the Australian Government.

Supplying and producing the vaccine

The ability to manufacture vaccines on-shore has been essential to the progress of our rollout and CSL has now manufactured and supplied over 10 million doses of vaccine for use in Australia. Equally as important has been or access to vaccines produced overseas, with Pfizer now delivering more than 5 million doses of vaccine for use in Australia.

Last week, 305,370 doses of Pfizer and 704,000 doses of AstraZeneca were released for distribution.

Over the coming days, the Therapeutic Goods Administration will conduct sample testing of 300,690 doses of Pfizer vaccine, along with 260,100 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine produced onshore by CSL, prior to releasing the vaccines for distribution.

Distributing the vaccine

With support from our Distribution Partners DHL and Linfox, as well as the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS), more than 1,107,000 vaccine doses were delivered across Australia to metropolitan, rural and remote locations, along with all 1850 deliveries of consumables.

  • Ordering and Delivery. Despite lockdowns across multiple states, all vaccine orders were completed last week. This included using the RFDS to complete a number of remote deliveries, after some commercial flights were cancelled.
  • Australia’s assistance to the Pacific. This week another 73,000 doses were made available for distribution to the Pacific, with more than 503,000 doses now provided to DFAT. This will help our friends across the Pacific, including Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, Fiji, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu. 

Administering the vaccine

This week, 879,122 doses were administered across the country, taking the total number of doses administered above 8 million, to 8,2554,473. It took 47 days to reach our first million doses of vaccine administered and 8 days for the most recent.

  • Total sites. After onboarding another 234 General Practices, this week we had a total of 5,083 general practices, 136 Commonwealth Vaccination Clinics (CVC), 49 Pharmacies and 158 Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHS) delivering vaccines, along with 830 state and territory sites, taking the total number of vaccination sites across the country to 6,256.
  • Primary Care. In the coming week, we will have another 32 additional general practices and 16 Community Pharmacies administering AstraZeneca. We will also have 505 General Practices, 62 CVCs, and 15 ACCHS administering Pfizer across the country.
  • Aged Care. With our vaccine workforce service providers, we continue to focus on those most at risk in our residential aged care facilities, and have now completed first dose visits to all 2,566 facilities (100%) and 2565 second dose visits (99.9%), with the final 2nd dose clinic scheduled for 7 July.
  • Disability. We continue to ramp up our visits to disability residents with complex needs who require in-reach services. More than 12,500 people with a disability in a residential setting have now received at least one dose of vaccine.

About the Vaccine Operations Centre

Contact: Health Media –

For full list of publicly available data on the vaccine rollout.


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