Vaccine Operation Centre – Weekly Operational Update – 18 October

A statement from the Vaccine Operations Centre on the status of the vaccine rollout.

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In a sign we have entered the home straight of our vaccination program, two Australian jurisdictions have now reached the 80 per cent double-dose mark for people aged 16 and over.

New South Wales reached the milestone on Sunday and the Australian Capital Territory.

In line with the National Plan, the Commonwealth’s hotspot declaration automatically ceases in a jurisdiction once the 80 per cent fully vaccinated rate has been reached.

Other jurisdictions are closing in on significant vaccination milestones, too, with Tasmania and Victoria on track to reach the 70 per cent double-dose mark in coming days.

More than 32 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine have now been administered across the country – almost two million over the past seven days.

Importantly, a high proportion of our older Australians have now received both doses for maximum protection.

Approximately 80 per cent of Australians aged 50 and over have had both doses, a figure that rises to more than 85 per cent for Australians aged 70 and over.

Supplying and producing the vaccine

The ability to manufacture vaccines onshore has been essential to the progress of our rollout and CSL has now manufactured and supplied 21,171,300 doses of vaccine for use in Australia.

Last week, 308,880 doses of Pfizer, 750,400 doses of Moderna and 1,073,100 doses of AstraZeneca were released for distribution.

Over the coming days, the TGA will conduct sample testing of 3,921,840 doses of Pfizer vaccine, 750,000 doses of Moderna vaccine, along with 773,700 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine produced onshore by CSL, prior to releasing the vaccines for distribution.

Distributing the vaccine

With support from our Distribution Partners DHL and Linfox, more than 1,555,862 vaccine doses were delivered across Australia to metropolitan, rural and remote locations, along with 3,706 deliveries of consumables.

  • Ordering and Delivery. 99.5 per cent of vaccine orders were completed last week with 1 order of Pfizer, 2 order of Moderna and 0 orders of AstraZeneca to be finalised today.
  • Australia’s assistance to the Pacific. More than 4.9 million doses have now been provided to DFAT. This will help our friends across the Pacific, including Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, Fiji, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu. We expect to provide around 10 million doses by the end of 2021. Next week more than 1.7 million doses are scheduled for delivery.

Administering the vaccine

This week, 1,947,078 doses were administered across the country, taking the total number of doses administered 32.6 million. It took 45 days to reach our first million doses of vaccine administered and 5 days for the most recent.

  • Total sites.  This week we had a total of 5,574 general practices, 137 Commonwealth Vaccination Clinics, 3,391 Pharmacies and 169 Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services delivering vaccines, along with 925 state and territory sites, taking the total number of vaccination sites across the country to 10,196. Next week, we will have 20 additional general practices joining the program (commencing with AstraZeneca and Pfizer).


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