PHI 88/21 Private Hospital Revocations

Notice of new or amended hospital declaration status and/or second-tier default benefit eligibility.

Date published:
PHI circular type:
Hospital announcement
Health sector

Private Hospital Revocations

The following private hospitals have had their declarations revoked under Section 121-5 of the Private Health Insurance Act 2007:

Hospital Name


Provider Number

Effective Date

Second-tier Category

North Adelaide Gastroenterology Centre

254 Melbourne Street North Adelaide SA 5006


07 December 2021

Category G

Ballan District Health and Care

33 Cowie Street

Ballan VIC 3342


07 December 2021

Category C

Westminster Day Surgery

476 Wanneroo Road Westminster WA 6061


07 December 2021

Category G

The Department of Health was contacted by the relevant State Authorities and advised these hospitals have ceased hospital services and their licenses are no longer required. The Commonwealth list of declared hospitals has been amended to reflect these changes.

A full list of declared hospitals with second-tier categories can be found on the Department of Health’s website.