PHI 81/24 Private hospital revocation and declaration

Notice of private hospital revocation and Hospital Provider Number transfer with new private hospital declaration.

Date published:
PHI circular type:
Hospital announcement
Health sector

Private Hospital Revocation

The following hospital has had its declaration as a private hospital and its second-tier eligibility revoked under sections 121-5 and 121-8 respectively of the Private Health Insurance Act 2007:

Facility Name


Hospital Provider Number

(end date)

Former Second-tier Category

Effective Date of Revocation

Western Hospital168 Cudmore Terrace
Henley Beach SA  5022

(31 October 2024)


1 November 2024

Private Hospital Declaration

The following hospital has been declared a private hospital under section 121-5 of the Private health Insurance Act 2007:

Hospital Name


Hospital Provider Number

(start date)

Private Hospital Category

Effective Date

Western Hospital168 Cudmore Terrace
Henley Beach SA  5022


(1 November 2024)


1 November 2024

Hospital billing contact details 

Billing Arrangements

Name: Management Coordinator, Western Hospital -

Phone: 08 8159 1188



The Department of Health and Aged Care list of all Commonwealth declared hospitals will soon be amended to reflect these changes. View the full list of declared hospitals with private hospital categories and second-tier eligibility.

If you are unable to access the list of declared hospitals, please try refreshing your browser. If this does not resolve the issue, please try again later as we may be in the process of updating the list.