PHI 79/23 Second-tier updates

Second-tier updates.

Date published:
PHI circular type:
Hospital announcement
Health sector

Second-tier eligibility approvals

The following hospitals have been approved for second-tier with effect 28 November 2023:

Hospital NameProvider NumberPrevious ExpiryNew ExpiryCategory
Cairns Private Hospital0055220Y13/12/202313/12/2026F
Ramsay Surgical Centre Cairns0887521H13/12/202313/12/2026G
Mildura Health Private Hospital0036600K17/12/202317/12/2026D
Northern Endoscopy Centre0834441A8/12/20238/12/2026G
Southern Endoscopy Centre0067200T9/12/20239/12/2026G

Second-tier COVID-19 accreditation arrangements

The following hospitals have had their second-tier expiry dates adjusted under the COVID-19 accreditation arrangements:

Hospital NameProvider NumberPrevious ExpiryNew ExpiryCategory
Adelaide Day Surgery0658181F8/01/202508/01/2026G
Honeysuckle Day Hospital0027560K11/01/202411/01/2025G

The Department of Health and Aged Care Commonwealth list of declared hospitals will soon be amended to reflect these changes. View the full list of declared hospitals with second-tier categories and eligibility.