PHI 75/22 – Analysis of the feedback to consultation paper no 3(b) – Pathways for applications to the Prostheses List

This announcement looks at the stakeholder feedback on the proposed new Listing Pathways for Applications to the Prostheses List (PL) and on the cost recovery proposals. We have analysed each submission and have published a summary of the analysis detailing the key findings from the consultation.

Date published:
PHI circular type:
Prescribed List announcement
Health sector

The Prostheses List Reform Taskforce published Consultation Paper No 3(b)- Pathways for Applications to the Prostheses List in September 2022 and closed in October 2022.

Stakeholders were invited to upload submissions through the consultation hub and submit any out-of-scope questions via email.

18 stakeholder responses were accepted and analysed by the Department. The analysis includes summaries of stakeholder feedback as well as Departmental responses addressing concerns raised by stakeholders.