PHI 72/19 Prostheses List dates for July 2020

This circular provides information for stakeholders on the timeframe for submitting applications to list prostheses on the July 2020 Prostheses List.

Date published:
PHI circular type:
Prescribed List announcement
Health sector

Applications for the July 2020 Prostheses List can be submitted at any time before 12 January 2020. This deadline applies to applications for new listings, amendments, expansions or compressions for parts A, B and C for all categories of the Prostheses List. Applications received after 12 January 2020 will be considered for the November 2020 Prostheses List.

To facilitate the progress of all applications, please ensure that the application fee ($600 per application) is paid at the time of submission. When the application fee has been received the assessment process will commence.

Sponsors are responsible for the accuracy of their Prostheses List data. The department will continue to provide a draft Prostheses List for quality assurance by sponsors.

Applications cut off
12 January 2020

Draft Prostheses List available to Sponsors via PLMS
18 May 2020

Deadline to:

  • make corrections to the draft Prostheses List
  • update applications with inclusion of devices in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG)
  • submit deletion, duplication and transfer applications.

25 May 2020

July 2020 Prostheses List published
15 June 2020

July 2020 Prostheses List effective
1 July 2020