PHI 70/22 Private hospital revocation

Notice of new or amended hospital declaration status and/or second-tier default benefit eligibility.

Date published:
PHI circular type:
Hospital announcement
Health sector

Private hospital revocation

The following facility has had their declaration as a private hospital revoked under Section 121-5 of the Private Health Insurance Act 2007:

Hospital Name Address Hospital Provider Number Second-tier Category Effective Date

Lawrence Hargrave Private Hospital

72 Phillip Street Thirroul NSW 2515


Category G

24 October 2022

  • *This provider number has been allocated to the hospital known as Ramsay Clinic Thirroul at this location for ongoing use and will not be closed with revocation of Lawrence Hargrave Private Hospital.

The Department of Health and Aged Care were contacted by the NSW Ministry of Health State Authority to advise that this hospitals licence was no longer active. The Commonwealth list of declared hospitals has been amended to reflect this change.

A full list of declared hospitals with second-tier categories can be found on the Department of Health and Aged Care’s website.