PHI 68/21 Prostheses List Reforms: Webinar 8 September 2021 Video and Slide Deck published

This circular provides links to the video and the slide deck of the webinar held 8 September 2021.

Date published:
PHI circular type:
PHI announcement
Health sector

Prostheses List Reforms – Video and resources of Webinar held on 8 September 2021

Resources related to the stakeholder briefing webinar that took place on 8 September 2021 have now been published on the PL Reforms webpage. This webinar discusses the Prostheses List purpose, definitions and scope consultation paper and features a panel of experts who have answered questions regarding its content. In addition to the questions, the webinar also included live polling to measure the participants’ views of the consultation paper.

How do I access the resources?

The published resources can be accessed on the PL Reforms webpage.