PHI 60/22 – Consultation paper No 3(b) – Pathways for applications to the Prostheses List

We are seeking stakeholder feedback on the proposed new listing pathways for applications to the Prostheses List (PL) and on the cost recovery proposal which outlines indicative fees on applications seeking listing on the PL. Consultation closes 28 October 2022.

Date published:
PHI circular type:
PHI announcement
Health sector

Consultation on the modernised Prostheses List pathways and cost recovery proposal for applications seeking listing on the Prostheses List

The Prostheses List Reform Taskforce notifies stakeholders that Consultation Paper No 3(b) – Pathways for Applications to the Prostheses List has been published.

This consultation builds on Consultation Paper 3 – A modernised fit-for-purpose listing process published in January 2022.

Stakeholders are invited to upload submissions through the consultation hub. Alternatively, stakeholders can provide their feedback by completing a short survey. This consultation will close on 28 October 2022. All queries relating to the consultation process should be emailed to