PHI 58/20 Cut-off dates for the March 2021 Prostheses List

Prostheses List announcement.

Date published:
PHI circular type:
Prescribed List announcement
Health sector

This circular provides information on the timeframe for submitting applications to list products on the March 2021 Prostheses List.

The Prostheses List: Guide to listing and setting benefits for prostheses advises that Prostheses List applications (new, amendment, expansion, or compression) can be submitted at any time before midnight on the second Sunday in September.

Consistent with this advice, applications for the March 2021 Prostheses List should be received by the department no later than 11:59pm on 13 September 2020.

This deadline applies to applications for products from any category and any part (Parts A, Part B and Part C). Applications received on 14 September 2020, or later, will be considered for the July 2021 Prostheses List.

Please note that no new, amendment, expansion, or compression applications for products from the General Miscellaneous Category in Part A of the Prostheses List will be assessed at this point.

Further information on General Miscellaneous Category applications is provided in the PHI 37/20 and the hibernation of the MTAA agreement questions and answers document.

To ensure timely assessment of any new applications, sponsors should ensure the application fee ($600 per application) is paid at the time of their submission.

Sponsors are responsible for the accuracy of their Prostheses List data to ensure the information is true and correct. Sponsors can check their billing codes on the published version of the Prostheses List or through PLMS. Any information entered on the Prostheses List can only be changed via applications made by sponsors through the PLMS.

Further dates

Any outstanding information regarding inclusion of the product in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG), should be submitted to the department by no later than 15 January 2021.

Applications for duplications, deletions or transfers of sponsors should be received by the department no later than 22 January 2021.

The department is planning to send correspondence asking sponsors to verify the accuracy of the information to be entered or amended on the March 2021 Prostheses List by no later than the end of January 2021.

We anticipate the 1 March 2021 Prostheses List should be published no later than 2 weeks prior to its commencement.

Any queries in relation to the Prostheses List should be sent to