PHI 57/21 – Notification of Stakeholder Briefing Webinar

Instructions on how to register and participate in the upcoming webinar.

Date published:
PHI circular type:
Prescribed List announcement
Health sector

Prostheses List Reforms – Stakeholder Briefing

Consultation paper No 1 | Prostheses List purpose, definitions and scope.

Prostheses List stakeholders are invited to participate in a webinar where the Department will present a summary of the consultation paper and  a panel of experts will answer any question you may have regarding its content.

The webinar discussion assumes that participants understand the background of the Prostheses List reforms and are familiar with the consultation paper to be discussed. Background information can be found on Department of Health Prostheses List reforms and reviews webpage.

The webinar will be organised in the following manner:

  • Questions regarding Consultation paper No 1 | Prostheses List purpose, definitions and scope must be uploaded to this portal by 6 September 2021 at the latest. The panel will answer these questions after introducing each topic or at the end of the webinar.
  • There will be live polling to measure the participants' views on the paper's ten consultation topics during the presentation. Results of the polling will be made available live.
  • Participants are welcomed to send questions to the panel during the webinar. However, the focus at the webinar will be on answering questions provided beforehand. If we run out of time, Questions will be collated, and the Taskforce will send a Q&A to participants after the webinar.

How do I register and access the webinar?

The webinar is being hosted by Consec - Conference and Event Management.

In order to participate in the webinar, you will need to register online.

All enquiries regarding your registration, including technical issues, should be directed to Consec - T: +61 2 6252 1200  E:  

The registration process will take some time; please take this into account and register well ahead of the webinar date and time.

Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to the webinar portal, your password and a document with detailed instructions about the different areas of the portal, where to submit your questions and how to access the webinar.

On the portal’s Resource Gallery, you will find a copy of the consultation paper and a document highlighting the discussion points the panel of experts will address during the webinar.

For those who are unable to join on the day, the Department will make available a video recording of the webinar on the Department of Health Prostheses List reforms and reviews webpage.