Hospital declarations
The following facility has been declared a private hospital under Section 121-5 of the Private Health Insurance Act 2007:
Name: Genesis Cancer Care
Address: Level 6, 31 Dora Street, Hurstville NSW 2220
Provider number: 0027570J
Effective date: 13 August 2019
Email address for remittances:
The following hospital has had their declaration revoked due to closure:
Name: South Terrace Urology Day Surgery
Address: 326 South Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000
Provider number: 0657641A
Effective date: 13 August 2019
The following public hospitals’ name and/or address have been updated following confirmation by the State Government:
Name: Orange Health Service
Previous address: 84 Dalton Street, Orange NSW 2800
New address: 1530 Forest Road, Orange NSW 2800
Provider number: 0011920A
Effective: 2011
Name: Blue Mountains District ANZAC Memorial Hospital
Previous address: Lot 3 Woodlands Road, Katoomba NSW 2780
New address: Cnr Woodlands and Great Western Highway, Katoomba NSW 2780
Provider number: 0010730T
Name: Nepean Hospital
Previous a: 48 Derby Street, Kingswood NSW 2747
New address: Derby Street, Kingswood NSW 2747
Provider number: 0011860X
Name: Portland Tabulam Health Centre
Previous address: 20 Green Street, Portland NSW 2847
New address: 29 Green Street, Portland NSW 2847
Provider number: 0011960T
Name: Springwood Hospital
Previous address: 7–9 Huntley Grange Road, Springwood NSW 2777
New address: 7 Huntley Grange Road, Springwood NSW 2777
Provider number: 0012730Y
Previous name: Lithgow Integrated Health Service
New name: Lithgow Hospital
Previous address: 2 Col Drewe Drive, Lithgow NSW 2790
New address: Corner Col Drewe Drive and Great Western Highway, Lithgow NSW 2790
Provider number: 0011600W
The following hospital’s address has been updated to match their state licence:
Name: Pennant Hills Day Surgery
Previous address: 361 Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills NSW 2120
Updated address: 361–363 Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills NSW 2120
Provider number: 0657211A
Effective date: 2 August 2019
See a full list of declared hospitals with second-tier categories.