We are pleased to notify stakeholders that we have updated our communication tools for easier navigation and access to information.
The updates also reflect changes resulting from the reforms.
The Prescribed List and Prescribed List Reforms webpages have been restructured and updated.
Going forward, the webpages will be kept current, so we ask stakeholders to use the website as the first point to source information.
We encourage stakeholders to familiarise themselves with the restructured webpages and send any feedback or report any errors to prescribedlist.reforms@health.gov.au
Email addresses
We have updated our general contact email addresses:
- Prescribed List Applications: prescribedlist@health.gov.au
- Prescribed List reforms: prescribedlist.reforms@health.gov.au
- Prescribed List reviews: presribedlist.reviews@health.gov.au
- Prescribed List compliance: prescribedlist.compliance@health.gov.au
While the previous email addresses will be operating for some time, we encourage stakeholders to use the new addresses to contact us.