PHI 34/20 Release of final 2020–21 data specifications for HCP, HCP1, GT-Dental and PHDB data collections

Private health insurance announcement.

Date published:
PHI circular type:
PHI announcement
Health sector

This circular releases 2020–21 data specifications for the following Hospital Casemix Protocol (HCP) and Private Hospital Data Bureau (PHDB) data collections, effective 1 July 2020:

  • HCP – Hospital to insurer
  • HCP1 – Insurer to department
  • HCP2 – Insurer to department
  • GT-Dental – Insurer to department
  • PHDB – Hospital to department.

See a list of changes for 2020–21 and the data specifications for HCP and PHDB.

Any changes from the previous year’s specifications are indicated in those documents in red text. The specifications and the associated Rules under the Private Health Insurance Act 2007, apply from 1 July 2020. The revised data specifications have been developed with the agreement and advice of insurers, service providers and software vendors.

Any questions relating to the final data specifications should be sent to