PHI 25/22 Release of 2020–21 HCP and PHDB annual reports

The Hospital Casemix Protocol (HCP) and Private Hospital Data Bureau (PHDB) 2020–21 annual reports are now available. These reports summarise data collected from hospitals.

Date published:
PHI circular type:
PHI announcement
Health sector

HCP annual report

The Hospital Casemix Protocol (HCP) 2020–21 annual report is now available on our website.  The tables and statistics cover the period from 2010–11 to 2020–21. Each report summarises data collected from public and private hospitals through health insurers.

Tables include statistics related to:

  • care type
  • completeness
  • charge components
  • patient age groups
  • medical services
  • Australian Refined – Diagnosis Related Groups (AR-DRGs) (available for 2020–21 only) for privately insured separations in public and private hospitals.

Read the 2020–21 HCP annual report.

PHDB annual report

The Private Hospital Data Bureau (PHDB) 2020–21 annual report is now available on our website. The tables and statistics cover the period from 2010–11 to 2020–21. Each report summarises data collected from private hospitals through the PHDB.

Tables include statistics related to:

  • care type
  • completeness
  • charge components
  • funding source
  • patient age groups
  • Australian Refined – Diagnosis Related Groups (available for 2020–21 only) for private hospital separations.

View the 2020–21 PHDB annual report.

To enable greater consistency between HCP and PHDB annual report statistics and figures published in the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare’s (AIHW) Australian Hospital Statistics annual reports, the hospital type (public or private) has been adjusted in a small number of cases. Further information is available in each annual report’s explanatory notes section.

Minor adjustments to the methodology used to calculate statistics presented in the HCP and PHDB annual reports may result in differences when compared to previously published annual reports.

We note there is an issue in the HCP (hospital to insurer), HCP1 (insurer to department) and PHDB data involving the supply of non-admitted service data such as those involving patients receiving services as outpatients, or visited by community nurses at home. In particular, these relate to the AR-DRGs (version 9.0): U60Z (Mental health treatment W/O ECT, sameday) and V62B (Alcohol use and dependence, Minor complexity).

The data specifications outline HCP, HCP1 and PHDB data and should only contain admitted patient care episodes. A relatively small number of these additional non-admitted records are currently included in both the HCP and PHDB annual reports as there is insufficient information available to enable the department to exclude them.  We will consult with hospitals, health insurers and software vendors to ensure future data submissions are consistent with the scope of each data collection and contain admitted episodes only.

We note the under-reporting of dialysis related separations in HCP1 and PHDB which primarily impacts AR-DRGs (version 9.0): L61Z (Haemodialysis) and L67C (Other Kidney and Urinary Tract Disorders, Minor Complexity) and the over-reporting of rehabilitation separations in HCP1 which primarily impacts AR-DRG (version 9.0): Z60B Rehabilitation, Minor Complexity.

Other trends include a large decline in HCP1 public hospital separations and medical services, between 2019–20 and 2020–21, which is primarily due to missing data from one health insurer.

Any queries regarding these matters should be emailed to