This circular is to remind sponsors of the fees that are associated with the Prostheses List.
The Private Health Insurance (Prostheses Application and Listing Fee) Rules 2008 (No. 1) incorporates the 3 fees associated with the Prostheses List. These are the application, initial listing and ongoing listing fees. There are no fees associated with Part B for the Prostheses List (Human Tissue).
Application fee
Subsection 72-10 (3) of Part 3-3 of the Act provides that a person may apply to the Minister to list a prosthesis and that the application must be accompanied by any application fee imposed.
The Prostheses List application fee is $600 per application.
Assessment of a new listing application will not commence until payment of the application fee has been received by Prostheses. When submitting an application via the Prostheses List Management System (PLMS) prompts are provided regarding the fee and the payment options that are available.
Invoices are not issued for the Application Fee; please quote the application number when making payment.
Initial listing fee
Subsection 72-10 (5) (b) of Part 3-3 of the Act provides that the applicant pays to the Commonwealth any initial listing fee imposed within 14 days of being informed of the Minister’s decision to grant the application.
The initial listing fee is $200 per device that is being listed on the Prostheses List for the first time.
If payment is not received within 14 days of being informed of the Minister’s decision to grant the application the device will not be listed.
Invoices are issued for the initial listing fee; the total owing, due date and payment options are available on the invoice. Please quote the invoice number when making payment.
Ongoing listing fee
Subsection 72-15 (2) of Part 3-3 of the Act provides that the applicant must pay to the Commonwealth the ongoing listing fee for which the applicant is liable under the Private Health Insurance (Prostheses Application and Listing Fees) Act 2008 (No. 1), within 28 days of each day specified under the Act as an ongoing listing fee imposition day.
- The imposition days are 15 March and 15 September each year.
The ongoing listing fee is $200 per device being listed on the Prostheses List for the first time.
Invoices are issued for the ongoing listing fee; the total owing, due date and payment options are available on the invoice. Please quote the invoice number when making payment.
Non-payment of ongoing listing fee
Subsection 72-15 (3) of Part 3-3 of the Act provides that if the applicant fails to pay an ongoing listing fee in accordance with subsection (2), the Minister may remove the kind of prosthesis from the list in the Private Health Insurance (Prostheses) Rules.
For any queries relating to the Prostheses List Fees please email in the first instance.