The NJRR is administered by Australian Orthopaedic Association (AOA), and is fully cost-recovered from the sponsors of the joint replacement prostheses listed on the Prostheses List.
In 2020, following a review of the AOANJRR administration, it was determined that additional funding was required to ensure NJRR data security.
In order to provide sufficient time for consultation and legislative changes, the decision was made to delay the invoices (from 30 November 2020) to March 2021.
The data recorded in the NJRR during 2019-20 financial year has underpinned the calculation of the NJRR levies for each billing code to be paid.
The changes equate to approximately a 6% increase in the NJRR levy amount, and the invoices for NJRR levy are now due to be paid by the sponsors.
NJRR Cost Recovery Implementation Statement
In November 2020, the Department published a draft of the NJRR Cost Recovery Implementation Statement (CRIS). Stakeholders were supportive of the NJRR and did not raise any significant issues with the costs to be recovered.
Further details on the amendments are provided in the Explanatory Statement for the Private Health Insurance (National Joint Replacement Register Levy) Amendment Rule 2021.