PHI 17/23 Private hospital declaration

Notice of new private hospital declaration and second-tier categorisation

Date published:
PHI circular type:
Hospital announcement
Health sector

Hospital second-tier category update

The following hospital has been declared a private hospital under Section 121-5 of the Private health Insurance Act 2007:

Hospital Name Address Hospital Provider Number Second-tier Category Effective Date
IMH Deakin Private Hospital

Corner of Strickland

Crescent and Denison
Deakin ACT 2600
0095140A A 3/03/2023

The Department of Health and Aged Care Commonwealth list of declared hospitals has been amended to reflect this change. View the full list of declared hospitals with second-tier categories and eligibility

Hospital billing contact details

Billing Arrangements
Name:    Jen Harland - Director of Clinical Service
Mobile:  0418 474 866