PHI 102/24 Clarifying definitions under the current Prescribed List Grouping Scheme

We are clarifying the definitions for some Prescribed List groups under the current Grouping Scheme

Date published:
PHI circular type:
Prescribed List announcement
Health sector

We are clarifying and refining some definitions and descriptors for different categories of the Prescribed List (at the group, subgroup, and/or suffix level). This will be done under the current Grouping Scheme.

We commenced this activity in response to enquiries received from stakeholders. We will continue this activity progressively over the coming months, with sets of definitions clarified at a time.

To ensure that the clarity objective is met, we will follow this process:

  1. We will publish a set of proposed amended definitions via Consultation Hub for comment.
  2. Stakeholders will be given time to review the proposed amended definitions and provide comment.
  3. We will consider stakeholder comments and we will seek further advice from Expert Clinical Advisory Groups (if required) before finalising the definitions.
  4. We will update the Grouping Scheme definitions and descriptors and publish them on the department's website.

The first set of proposed amended definitions are now on Consultation Hub. We ask stakeholders to review and provide comment by Friday 24 January 2025.