Reports on the governance structure and arrangements of the Prostheses List
This circular is to advise stakeholders of the publication of the reports that informed changes to the Prostheses List (PL) committee process. This, following the new committee arrangements announced by the Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon Mark Butler MP on 17 January 2023.
The Department engaged Ernst & Young (EY) and Adelaide Health Technology Assessment (AHTA) to undertake a review of current PL governance structure and arrangements. The reports provide important context to the reform options. Neither reflect a settled position of government:
- Review of the Prostheses List Advisory Committee and associated sub-committees (EY)
- Options for a Reformed Prostheses List Pre-Listing Assessment Framework and Governance Structure (AHTA)
The Department reviewed and acknowledged the findings and advice of both reports and has published the Prostheses List Reforms – Pre-Listing Assessment Framework and Governance Structure, which outlines our response to both reports.
Read the reports