PHI 05/25 – Outcome of Consultation Papers 8a and 8b

The measures proposed in these consultation papers will not be legislated

Date published:
PHI circular type:
Prescribed List announcement
Health sector

In May – June 2024, we consulted on two proposed measures for compliance, assurance and information sharing:

  1. Consultation Paper 8a - the proposed measure that would require hospitals or sponsors to maintain and report a gifts, benefits and discounts register.
  2. Consultation Paper 8b - the proposed measure that would restrict sponsors from charging an amount higher than the Prescribed List benefit for their medical devices and human tissue products.

Following stakeholder feedback to this consultation, we learnt that there is currently insufficient evidence to justify legislating for these two measures. As a result, these measures have been removed from the proposed Compliance, Assurance and Data Sharing Bill.

The department will continue to review and consult to identify relevant evidence that supports the need for these types of consumer protection measures to safeguard the operation of the Prescribed List.

We refer stakeholders to the stakeholder feedback analysis reports to view the summary of stakeholder feedback to Consultation Papers 8a and 8b.