PHI 02/23 Hospital and second-tier updates

Hospital update and second-tier benefits eligibility announcement.

Date published:
PHI circular type:
Hospital announcement
Health sector

Hospital updates

The following hospitals’ names and/or addresses have been updated following confirmation from the state authority:

Hospital name updates:

Previous Hospital NameUpdated Hospital NameProvider Number
Marie Stopes WestmeadMSI Sydney West0657961H

Hospital address updates:

Hospital NameProvider NumberPrevious AddressUpdated Address
Clifton Co-Op Hospital0055230XNorman Street,
Clifton  QLD 4361
24 Norman Street,
Clifton, QLD 4361
Riverina Cancer Care Centre



31 Meyrant Avenue,
Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650
31 Meurant Avenue,
Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650
Calvary Bruce Private Hospital0015000J30 & 50 Mary Potter Circuit, Bruce,
ACT 2617
30 Mary Potter Circuit, Bruce,
ACT 2617
The Royal Adelaide Hospital0060030HPort Road
Adelaide SA 5000
207-235 Hampstead Road,
Lightsview, SA 5085 &
237 Hampstead Road,
Northfield, SA 5085 &
216 Daws Road, Daw Park, SA 5041

Second-tier updates

The following hospitals have been approved for second-tier with effect 6 January 2023:

Hospital NameProvider NumberPrevious ExpiryNew ExpiryCategory
Hader Clinic Queensland Private0056230K8/01/202310/08/2024A
Matilda Nepean Private Hospital0017680XN/A20/08/2024B

A full list of declared hospitals with second-tier categories can be found on the Department of Health and Aged Care’s website.