PHI 02/22 Hospital and Second-tier updates

This circular provides information on the Hospital updates and second-tier benefits eligibility announcement.

Date published:
PHI circular type:
Hospital announcement
Health sector

Hospital updates

The following hospitals’ names and/or addresses have been updated following confirmation from the state authority:

Previous Hospital Name: The Maitland Hospital

Updated Hospital Name: Maitland Hospital

Previous Address: 550-560 High Street, Maitland NSW 2320

Updated Address: 51 Metford Road, Metford NSW 2323

Provider Number: 0011650H

Second-tier updates

The second-tier eligibility for the following hospital has expired:

Hospital Name (provider number) Category Expired

St Albans Endoscopy Centre (0043520X)



The following hospitals have had their second-tier expiry date extended under the COVID-19 Accreditation Arrangements:

Hospital Name (provider number) Provider number Previous expired New Expiry Category
Sydney Day Surgery - Prince Alfred





The following hospitals have been approved for second-tier with effect 14 January 2022:

Hospital Name (provider number) Provider number Previous expired New Expiry Category
Calvary - St Luke's Hospital





Calvary - St Vincent's Hospital 0085080L 26/01/2022 26/01/2025 F
Newcastle Eye Hospital 0874031Y 27/01/2022 27/01/2025 G
South Eastern Private Hospital 0036280K 28/01/2022 28/01/2025 E
Mater Private Hospital Bundaberg 0055330T 28/01/2022 28/01/2025 D
St John of God Frankston Rehabilitation Hospital 0036810A 9/02/2022 9/02/2025 B
Toowong Private Hospital 0055670W 28/01/2022 28/01/2025 A

See a full list of declared hospitals with second-tier categories.