Hearing Services Program provider notice – Schedule of Service Items and Fees 2024–25

The Schedule of Service Items and Fees 2024–25 is available. There are new updates to evidence and service requirements.

Date published:
Health sector

The Schedule of Service Items and Fees 2024–25 is available. Updates to the schedule are based on external stakeholder feedback and internal reviews. The update aims to provide further clarification and consolidation for services requirements.

Some of the main updates to the schedule include:

  • revised Provisional Practitioner and Qualified Practitioner definitions
  • new device quote requirements
  • new section detailing online device sale requirements
  • clarification of client consent and agreement requirements.

Some of the main updates for service requirements:

  • An update to the definition of a successful fitting.
  • Maintenance agreements
    • must not be signed or co-payment paid more than 45 days before the date on which maintenance services commence.
  • Aided client review
    • updated activity – taking impressions or fitting or new/ modification of the current ear mould/s.
  • Unaided rehabilitation services can be delivered on the same day as an Assessment/Reassessment service with documentation supporting that distinctive activities were performed.
  • Simplification of the process if a client loses hearing device/s between fitting and follow up appointments.

The Schedule of Service Items and Fees 2024–25 includes a table outlining all changes in Part 6. The fees have been adjusted due to indexation. Additionally, the GST liable component for items 711 and 722 has been reduced to correct a historical error, resulting in a minor impact on their totals. 

There will be a transition period of 1 month to allow providers to update systems, policies, procedures, forms and templates supporting the changes outlined in the Schedule of Service Items and Fees 2024–25 (refer Part 6 of the Schedule). Changes must be in place by 1 August 2024. Until implemented please ensure you comply with the requirements as outlined in the Schedule of Service Items and Fees 2023–24.

Please read the schedule and accompanying information and contact us with any questions.


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National Relay Service

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