Hearing Services Program provider notice 2022-01 – Advertising and marketing

Familiarise yourself with program legislation and contractual obligations before publishing any promotional material. Review any existing advertising and marketing materials to ensure it is compliant with program requirements. Contact the program if you are unsure.

Date published:
Health sector

We have received an increase in correspondence from Hearing Service Providers concerning issues around advertising and marketing.

Providers intending to advertise the services their business provides under the program need to understand program requirements prior to the publishing or dissemination of any promotional material.

The program requirements in regard to advertising and marketing are addressed in Section 32 of the Hearing Services program (Voucher) Instrument 2019.

Website advertising

All providers must comply with the rules of conduct covered under Part 5 of the instrument:

  • not making any representation in connection with the provision of hearing services that is false or misleading as per section 32(1) of the instrument
  • not advertising in a way that implies that accreditation constitutes a recommendation, award or endorsement by the Australian Government as per section 32(1)(c)(iii) of the instrument.

You should ensure any information presented is current and correct and creates an accurate impression with program clients.

Australian Government logo

It is not permissible under the contract for a provider to utilise the Australian Government logo in advertisements or infer a particular relationship or suggest that the provider represents the Australian Government.

Free services

Should a provider wish to advertise with respect to free hearing tests and hearing devices they should use the approved phrase from 32(3) of the instrument ‘Conditions apply under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program’ which ensures that program clients understand that provision of free hearing tests and devices is a government funded service and not by the service provider.

More information

For further information refer to the Advertising and marketing section of the Provider Handbook.

Hearing Services Program contact

Contact us for information about the Hearing Services Program.
Program contact
National Relay Service


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