Feedback for PRIMM round 2 grant applicants now available

We have written feedback for those who applied for our second round of grants under the Primary care Rural Innovative Multidisciplinary Models (PRIMM) grant opportunity. This will assist them in submitting an application in the next round.

Date published:
Health sector

Our second round of grants under the Primary care Rural Innovative Multidisciplinary Models (PRIMM) opportunity was open from 27 September 2021 to 5 November 2021.

We received 25 applications, 2 of which were successful.

We have written a feedback document to help applicants understand what makes an application strong. 

It includes tables with examples of how strong applications met selection criteria.

Strong applications provided:

  • a clear and concise project description
  • data identifying the target communities, proposed activities, and the location of the project
  • evidence of a strong multidisciplinary workforce and service model focus within the primary care setting
  • clear governance arrangements and project planning.

Feedback document

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