Ensuring Australians can live free from the impact of hepatitis B and hepatitis C is a priority of the Australian Government.
We are seeking your feedback on the Fourth National Hepatitis B Strategy 2023-2030 and the Sixth National Hepatitis C Strategy 2023-2030 (the strategies).
These strategies are part of the new draft national Blood Borne Viruses (BBV) and Sexually Transmissible Infections (STI) strategies. The strategies will build on the achievements and lessons learned from the previous strategies and guide our response to BBV and STI.
We want to hear your opinions on:
- visions, targets and goals set out for the strategies
- priority areas that will guide the national response for hepatitis B and C from 2023 to 2030
- priority populations and settings, including for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and people from culturally, ethnically and linguistically diverse communities.
We will be using the feedback from this consultation to develop the final strategies.
Have your say
- Visit consultations.health.gov.au
- For translating and interpreting services, call 131 450
- To use the National Relay Service, visit nrschat.nrscall.gov.au/nrs or call 1800 555 660
Consultations close on 28 June 2023.