Organ donation awareness grant recipients announced

This year, 11 new DonateLife community partners will share in over $600,000 in grants to raise awareness about organ and tissue donation to ensure more Australians can receive a life-saving transplant.

The Hon Ged Kearney MP
Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care
Assistant Minister for Indigenous Health

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This year, 11 new DonateLife community partners will share in over $600,000 in grants to raise awareness about organ and tissue donation to ensure more Australians can receive a life‑saving transplant.

Supported by the Organ and Tissue Authority’s Community Awareness Grants, partners will create digital resources and content, host DonateLife Week events and deliver national marketing or public relations strategies that engage with Australian communities and prompt them to act.

The grant-supported activities will help to ensure more Australians discuss organ and tissue donation, tell their family if they want to be a donor, and importantly, register on the Australian Organ Donor Register.

While we know 4 in 5 Australians support donation, only 1 in 3 are registered.
Communicating to Australians who support donation in a culturally safe way, and addressing key barriers, will help close this intention-action gap.

Registering to be an organ and tissue donor is easy. It takes just one minute at or through Medicare.

DonateLife Week 2025 will take place from July 27 – 3 August.
Quotes attributable to Assistant Minister Kearney
“It’s positive to see so many Australians want to be organ and tissue donors, critically we need to translate that into actual donor registrations.

“Right now, there are roughly 1,800 Australians on the waitlist and a further 14,000 on dialysis for kidney failure who could benefit from a life-saving transplant. So please, go out and register!

“We’re working with organisations entrenched in communities like the National Ethnic and Multicultural Broadcasters Council and Western Bulldogs to ensure as many people as possible have their questions about organ and tissue donation answered and understand how to become a donor."

Media contact:
Assistant Minister, Ged Kearney: Isabella Tilley 0414 894 040
Donate Life: Alana Jones 0403 058 662


ApplicantFocus2025 Funding
$ (GST ex)
Charlton Neighbourhood House (VIC)A series of awareness events in regional Victoria$8,000
Australian Greek Welfare SocietyA series of awareness events for the Greek community in Victoria and Tasmania$15,000
YouX (University of Adelaide)An event at the mid-year orientation at the University of Adelaide, accompanied by digital and print advertising across the campus.$15,000
Loft SocialProject 1: An influencer marketing strategy targeting young people

Project 2: A celebrity content series

Make MateProject 1: Advertising about family conversations on Reddit

Project 2: In-game advertising targeting young people

National Ethnic and Multicultural Broadcasters CouncilAn audio explainer series in 9 languages$13,000
Red’s Fishing MediaDelivering DonateLife messages through Channel 7 television show ‘Red’s Fishing Adventures, The Bucket List’$60,000
Western BulldogsA digital content series sharing stories about donation$50,000
Melbourne StormA digital content series sharing stories about donation$60,000
Queensland Remote Aboriginal MediaA series of culturally relevant animations and audio pieces for First Nations peoples$48,200
Nationwide NewsA digital and print campaign, and editorial support to share stories of organ donation$120,000

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