Bendigo clinic provide quality care for women with endometriosis

The Australian Government will today officially open a specialised Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain GP Clinic in Bendigo, Victoria, providing women with a one-stop option for diagnosis, intervention and treatment.

The Hon Ged Kearney MP
Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care
Assistant Minister for Indigenous Health

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The Albanese Labor Government will today officially open a specialised Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain GP Clinic in Bendigo, Victoria, providing women with a one-stop option for diagnosis, intervention and treatment.
The Clinic is part of Labor’s 22 dedicated Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Clinics across Australia which was announced in a $58.3 million package for endometriosis and pelvic pain in the 2022-23 Budget.
It’s estimated that endometriosis affects at least 1 in 9 Australian women and has an extensive, devastating impact on the daily lives of sufferers, with people experiencing an unacceptable average of seven years before diagnosis. Research has also shown that 1 in 2 Australian women experience pelvic pain and half of those women do not discuss their symptoms with a doctor despite significant impacts on work or study. 
The Bendigo Clinic joins three other clinics across Victoria, in Belmont, Epping, Ringwood East. Each Clinic is based in an existing GP practice with experience and expertise in women’s health, endometriosis and pain management.
The Clinic will be operated by Bendigo Community Health Service (BCHS) at its premises at 171 Hargreaves Street and will receive $700,000 over four years. The funds will be used to recruit specialised staff, including nurse practitioners and allied health professionals; improve facilities; and provide resources, training and development. 
The Clinic will be staffed by female GPs and nurses with training and experience in endometriosis. No referral is needed and all appointments at the new clinic are free.
The specialised GP clinics will reduce delays and promote early access to intervention, care and treatment.  They will also raise awareness of endometriosis, build professional knowledge and skills to manage the condition, and improve access to information and care pathways.
Quotes attributable to Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care
Ged Kearney MP:
“For too long, women have suffered in silence. Their pain has not been taken seriously, they’ve been called hysterical and they’ve been accused of drug shopping.
Women’s pain is real and recognising endometriosis and pelvic pain as serious conditions is part of Labor’s commitment to improving women’s health.
“This new specialised clinic in Bendigo will give women in Bendigo and the surrounding region access to the care and expertise they so desperately need, all under one roof.
“The 22 Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Clinics are just one part of Labor’s commitment to support women with endometriosis. We’ve invested over $58.3 million to better support women all across Australia while improving awareness and treatment of this debilitating disease.
Quotes attributable to Lisa Chesters, Federal Member for Bendigo:
“The recognition of endometriosis and pelvic pain as serious conditions has been a long and hard-fought battle from fierce advocates in the sector and in our communities. I want to say to those people – thank you and we’re listening.
“Too many women in our region suffer for years with what we know can be debilitating conditions. Thanks to facilities like this, they will now have better access to the specialised care they need and deserve.”


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