Visit a Medicare UCC when you need urgent health care
Urgent care is when you need medical attention for an illness or injury that can be managed without a trip to the emergency department, but cannot wait for a regular appointment with a general practitioner (GP).
Medicare UCCs provide acute episodic care and treatment that does not require a hospital admission. This may include:
- minor infections
- minor fractures, sprains, sports injuries and neck and back pain
- urinary tract infections (UTIs)
- sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
- minor cuts
- insect bites and rashes
- minor eye and ear problems
- respiratory illness
- gastroenteritis
- mild burns.
Medicare UCCs are open early and late, seven days a week.
Please bring your Medicare card or number with you.
There may be other urgent care services in your area. You can search with the Healthdirect Service Finder.
Routine care or general health care
Your local GP should continue to be your first point of contact for non-emergency, routine, and preventative health care. Some GPs also offer same day appointments.
Care provided by your local GP includes:
- diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of diseases and illnesses
- general screening and health checks
- vaccinations and prescriptions
- mental health advice
- family planning advice
- referrals for tests, scans or specialist care.
Medicare UCCs will not see people for things like chronic disease management or preventative health procedures such as cervical screening tests.
You can use Healthdirect Service Finder to find a GP near you.
Emergency care
Emergency or life-threatening illnesses and injuries require immediate medical attention and management by an emergency department or hospital.
If you or a loved one has a life-threatening injury or illness, do not attend a Medicare UCC. Call triple zero (000) or go to your nearest emergency department.
Do not attend a Medicare UCC for:
- chest pain or tightness
- breathing difficulties
- uncontrollable bleeding
- severe burns
- poisoning
- numbness or paralysis
- unconsciousness
- unresponsiveness
- seizures
- ongoing fever in infants.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should call triple zero (000) or go straight to your nearest emergency department.