The FNACGG works with the department to shape aged care policy and programs to reflect the interests and needs of First Nations people.
The group promotes First Nations’ voices and cultural safety as central to policy design and implementation. It provides the department with expertise and recommendations on improving the experiences of First Nations peoples eligible for, transitioning to, or receiving, aged care services and building a strong First Nations aged care sector.
It also ensures alignment with the interests and rights of diverse First Nations groups such as First Nations people with disability and gender diverse communities.
Membership of the FNACGG are:
- representatives from relevant aged care sector peak organisations, including
the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ageing and Aged Care Council as the peak sector body for First Nations aged care - the Interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner
- other First Nations peak bodies
- government stakeholders that support the partnership.
Member | Role and Organisation |
Lisa Orcher (Co-Chair) | CEO, National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ageing and Aged Care Council |
Emily Harper (Co-Chair) | First Assistant Secretary, Market and Workforce Division, Department of Health and Aged Care |
Graham Aitken | Member, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ageing Advisory Group, Australian Association of Gerontology |
Deleila Roberts | Member, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ageing Advisory Group, Australian Association of Gerontology |
Ellen Finlay | First Nations Policy and ATSIAAG Officer, Australian Association of Gerontology Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ageing Advisory Group |
Adrian Carson | CEO, Institute for Urban Indigenous Health |
Matt Moore | General Manager Aged Care, Institute for Urban Indigenous Health |
Dawn Casey | Deputy CEO, National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation |
Monica Barolits-McCabe | Executive Director, National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation |
Karl Briscoe | CEO, National Association of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Practitioners |
Colleen Gibbs | Executive Officer, National Health Leadership Forum |
Marilyn Morgan | Director, National Health Leadership Forum |
Donna Murray | CEO, Indigenous Allied Health Australia |
Shannan Dodson | CEO, Healing Foundation |
Stacie Murphy | Senior Project Officer, Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives |
Tahlia-Rose Vanissum | National Policy and Systemic Advocacy Manager, First Peoples Disability Network |
Emma Scanlan | Principal Audiologist, Hearing Australia |
Ali Jenkins | Group Manager, Social Policy, National Indigenous Australians’ Agency |
Bronwen Jaggers | A/g Deputy Commissioner, Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission |
Amanda Lee | Group Manager, NDIS Markets and Safeguards Group, Department of Social Services |
Will Hanham | Director, Health & Wellbeing Policy Branch, Department of Veterans Affairs |
Cathy Milfull | A/g Assistant Secretary, Thin Markets Branch, Department of Health and Aged Care |
Melinda Turner | First Assistant Secretary, Thin Markets Branch, Department of Health and Aged Care |
Christian Hall | Director, First Nations Aged Care Branch, Department of Health and Aged Care |
Andrea Kelly | Interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner, Market and Workforce Division, Department of Health and Aged Care |
Shonella Tatipata | Assistant Secretary, First Nations Aged Care Branch, Department of Health and Aged Care |
The FNACGG meets every 6-8 weeks, with extra meetings called by the co-chairs, if required. Meetings may be face-to-face or through video conference.
Related committees or groups
This group engages with the :
- National Aged Care Advisory Council
- Aged Care Council of Elders
- First National Health Governance Group