National Women’s Health Advisory Council

The National Women’s Health Advisory Council provides the Australian Government with advice and recommendations to improve health outcomes for women and girls in Australia. The council also provides advice on the implementation of the National Women’s Health Strategy 2020–2030.


The National Women’s Health Advisory Council provides advice to the government on priority health issues for women and girls in Australia.

The council also provides advice and recommendations on the implementation of the National Women’s Health Strategy 2020–2030. This strategy outlines a national approach to reducing inequalities and improving the health of women and girls in Australia.

Terms of reference


The Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon Ged Kearney MP, is chair of the council.

NameOrganisationCouncil Role
Professor Gita Mishra
Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health (ALSWH)Member
Associate Professor Ines Rio
Australian Medical AssociationMember
Ms Lorna Scott
Australian Nursing and Midwifery FederationMember
Ms Bonney Corbin
Executive Chair
Australian Women’s Health AllianceMember
Dr Elizabeth Deveny
Chief Executive Officer
Consumers Health ForumMember
Dr Sarah L. White
Chief Executive Officer
Jean Hailes for Women’s HealthMember
Dr Adele Murdolo
Executive Director
Multicultural Centre for Women’s HealthMember
Dr Dawn Casey
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO)Member
Ms Keli McDonald
Chief Executive Officer
National Rural Women’s CoalitionMember
Dr Fei Sim
Pharmaceutical Society of AustraliaMember
Dr Gillian Gibson
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)Member
Dr Sue Matthews
Chief Executive Officer
Royal Women’s HospitalMember
Professor Danielle Mazza AM FAHMS
SPHERE NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health in Primary CareMember
Professor Robyn Norton AO
Founding Director
The George Institute for Global HealthMember
Professor Zoe Wainer
Honorary Enterprise Professor
University of MelbourneMember
Professor Cathy Vaughan
University of Melbourne, Nossal Institute for Global HealthMember
Professor Deb Loxton
Co-director (ALSWH)

Women’s Health Research, Translation and Impact Network


Ms Bronwyn Morris‑Donovan
Chief Executive Officer
Allied Health Professions AustraliaSpecial Adviser
Dr Tessa Boyd-Caine
Chief Executive Officer
Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS)Special Adviser
Ms Helen White
Chief Executive Officer
Australian College of MidwivesSpecial Adviser
Associate Professor Aliza Werner SeidlerBlack Dog InstituteSpecial Adviser
Ms Linda Kensington
Chief Executive Officer
Council of Remote Area Nurses of Australia (CRANA)Special Adviser
Ms Nyadol Nyuon OAM
Harmony AllianceSpecial Adviser
Professor Cath Chamberlain
Indigenous Health Equity Unit, University of MelbourneSpecial Adviser
Ms Nicky Bath
Chief Executive Officer
LGBTIQ+ Health AustraliaSpecial Adviser
Professor Susan Davis AO
Monash University Women’s Health Research ProgramSpecial Adviser
Ms Leah Van Poppel
Principal Member
Independent Advisory Council to the National Disability Insurance SchemeSpecial Adviser
Ms Shannon Calvert
Consumer Co-chair
National Mental Health Consumer and Carer ForumSpecial Adviser
Professor Angela Dawson
Associate Dean Research, University of Technology Sydney
Public Health Association of AustraliaSpecial Adviser
Ms Nadia Levin
Chief Executive Officer
Research AustraliaSpecial Adviser
Dr Nicole Higgins
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)Special Adviser
Ms Sandy Gillies
Chief Executive Officer
Western Queensland Primary Health NetworkSpecial Adviser


The council will meet up to 4 times a year, face-to-face or virtually.



Annual report

The National Women’s Health Advisory Council has undertaken several activities during the first 18 months of its term. The inaugural annual report outlines the activities of the council, including:

  • the #EndGenderBias survey
  • a literature review
  • the National Women’s Health Summit
  • a framework to monitor and report on the National Women’s Health Strategy 2020–2030.

See the 2023–24 annual council report.

#EndGenderBias survey

The council conducted the #EndGenderBias survey to better understand the unique barriers and gender bias women face in Australia’s healthcare system. We heard from:

  • women
  • experts
  • healthcare professionals
  • consumer representatives
  • peak stakeholder groups.

The survey closed on 13 October 2023. The council is using the survey findings to help inform its advice to government on addressing gender bias in the healthcare system.

Read the:

Literature review

The council commissioned Monash University to undertake a literature review to:

  • examine gender equity issues in the Australian context
  • inform strategies to reduce sex and gender bias and disparities in the healthcare system. 

The review found sex and gender differences in the risk, presentation, treatment, and research of various health conditions in Australia. The review also found variations in how Australian clinical practice guidelines incorporate evidence on sex and gender.

See the final literature review.

Learn more

Find more resources related to the council.


National Women’s Health Advisory Council contact

Contact the National Women’s Health Advisory Council Secretariat for more information.
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