Comprehensive Primary Health Care Sustainability Committee

The Comprehensive Primary Health Care Sustainability Advisory Committee monitors the Indigenous Australians’ Health Programme funding model. The committee then advises us on how it is performing and how we can continue to improve it.


Under the Indigenous Australians’ Health Programme (IAHP), we fund Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHSs) to deliver primary health care.

From 1 July 2020, we used a new funding model to distribute funding to ACCHSs to deliver comprehensive primary health care under the IAHP.

The Comprehensive Primary Health Care Sustainability Advisory Committee (CPHC SAC) monitors and evaluates this funding model and advises on ways we can refine it over time.

The committee also advises on broader issues that affect sector sustainability and capacity building more broadly. Examples include telehealth, voluntary patient enrolment and Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) claiming.  

The committee’s advice will help us continue to support ACCHSs to deliver effective, high-quality, comprehensive and culturally appropriate primary health care services.



Background and experience

Mr Gavin Matthews (Chair)

Australian Government Department of Health

Ms Kate Thomann

Australian Government Department of Health

Mr Martin Graham

Australian Government Department of Finance

Dr Dawn Casey

Deputy Chief Executive Officer, National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO)

Ms Raylene Gordon

Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation representative, Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council of News South Wales

Mr Chris Bin Kali

Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation representative, Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia

Ms Alyce Merritt

Australian Medical Association

Mr Adrian Carson

Independent representative

Dr John Boffa

Independent representative

Mr Paul Tilley


Adjunct Associate Prof John Goss

Health economist, University of Canberra


The committee meets 3 times per year, with extra meetings when needed.  


Comprehensive Primary Health Care Sustainability Advisory Committee contact

Email the secretariat if you have any questions about the Comprehensive Primary Health Care Sustainability Advisory Committee.
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