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See ya!

If vaping is holding our fitness goals back …

Why are we still doing this?

Let’s join the thousands quitting vapes.

Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra.


We just did it casually at the start.

But we started buying our own.

And doing it in private.

Or was it in secret?

When did it become compulsive?

Necessary, even?

See ya!

Maybe it’s time to ask:

Why are we still doing this?

Let’s join the thousands quitting vapes.

Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra.


If we’re panicking over a lost vape …

Why are we still doing this?

Let’s join the thousands quitting vapes.

Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra.


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Yo Lachy, you want to vape?

Nah, I'm sweet.

Just one, bro. It's that easy.

Yeah, I know it's that easy.

Wait, you’ve vaped before?


Since when have you ever vaped?

Yeah who hasn't touched one? Your grandma probably vapes.

Excuse me? She quit last year.


Bro, what's wrong with one vape?

Yeah like, when's it ever just one?

Well, why don't you do it then?

I'm trying to avoid that nicotine addiction bra I got this far. It's not gonna get me now.

Bra, I'm so addicted to nicotine.

You are.

I can't go 5 minutes without this thing.

I see that. I see it every day.

Get all freaky when I forget this thing, man. I freak out.

And you want that for yourself, bro?

Not really.

How many people do you know that brag about how much they vape? Like is it really something you're happy with?

I can't go without it though.

Bro, that's because you're hooked! They got you.

I'm not hooked.

Bro, you're hooked.

I'm not hooked.

You're hooked.

I'm hooked. I’m definitely hooked.

Why don't you quit?

I actually tried quitting at the start of this year. No vapes all January.

That's a solid effort. How did that go?

It was going good, and then I wanted to vape and I bought a vape, and now I vape way more than I've vaped before.

That is one of the worst stories I've ever heard in my life.

I actually don't mind that they've restricted these things, man. Like, half the time I just want them out of reach.

Yeah, and they get you with the taste.

Bro, they're so tasty!

Why do they make them so tasty?

Why on earth do you think they do that?

Yummy smoke is yummy.

Yummy smoke is yummy! But life is easier without yummy smoke that makes it harder to breathe sometimes.

Yeah, I can see that being a thing. But how can I?

I'll support you, bro. We're in this together. I've got your back You don't understand how much I love you bro!


[Vapes, mods, Juuls, e-cigarettes - they're all terrible for your health and for the planet. But have you ever considered what's actually inside your vape? Because I'll give you a hint, it's not all watermelon and strawberries.

Vapes are a chemical cocktail. The e-liquid alone can contain over 200 unique chemicals. Things like chlorine that's found in pool cleaners. Acrolene which is found in weed killer. Formaldehyde, which is found in cleaning products and some disinfectants. Arsenic, which is used in poisons. Benzene, which you'll see in bug spray.

Mercury, which is the metal found in batteries. And then why not add in some extra flammable lithium batteries? Don't forget the metal or plastic casings. And what about the plastic mouthpiece? And then to top it all off, why not add some extra wires on top for a bit of decorative spice? Mix it all together and you really wouldn't really want to drink that.

When vapes are littered or go into landfill, they contaminate the environment with all of these poisons. This waste takes centuries to break down. Heaps of people have already quit vapes and you can too. There are a range of supports out there so that you can quit vaping for good.]

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