Using our websites

Find out about our websites — how they are designed and built — and how you can use the information. Learn about our approach to accessibility and privacy and how we use social media to keep you up to date.

Access more information about our websites.

  • About our website

    The new was launched 17 July 2019. Find out what we've changed, the processes we've followed and how you can get involved. Your feedback helps us provide a better website for you.
  • Accessibility

    Learn how we make our information accessible to everyone. You can also request accessible versions of our documents.
  • Copyright

    Learn what you can and cannot reproduce from our websites.
  • Disclaimer

    Our disclaimer tells you about the information we hold on our websites and its intended use.
  • Privacy

    Our privacy policy tells you how we access and use personal information.
  • Social media

    Read about our social media channels — how we use them, what we expect, and how we manage and moderate them. A contact point is provided for enquiries.
  • Subscriptions

    Subscribe to our mailing lists and news feeds to stay up to date with what we are doing.
  • Vulnerability disclosure policy

    This policy explains how security researchers can submit their findings if they believe they have found a security vulnerability within the Department of Health.
Date last updated:

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