About our website

Our new health.gov.au is easier to understand and use. Find out how we have transformed our website, how it works and how we will continually improve.

Transforming our website

On 17 July 2019 Health released a new version of health.gov.au


  • changed the way it looks and works so it's easier to use
  • reorganised our content so it's easier to find
  • rewritten our content so it's easier to understand
  • improved navigation and search
  • begun merging our multiple health websites into this one so more information is in one place
  • followed Government best practices.

Our old website had over 20,000 web pages! Too much to redesign and rewrite in a short time, so we're doing this in stages. Some of our health topics are already finished on this website, and others will link back to our old website while we work on them.

When we're finished, our old website will be archived to the National Library of Australia web archive.

In the meantime, you can use search to find information from both websites.

How it works

Designed for our users

We have designed and built our website in alignment with the Digital Transformation Agency's Service Design and Delivery Process and Digital Service Standard.

We have also undertaken user research and listened to your feedback. This has helped us to understand what information you need when you come to our website.

Reorganised information

We have moved from a website that was structured around how the Department works, to one that's structured to make sense to you – our website visitors.

Information is now organised into the following areas:

Organising our content in this way will help you to find it more easily. It also helps us remove duplications and display content consistently, so you know what to expect.

New content

When we rewrite our content we apply consistent government style based on the Australian Government's Style Manual. This helps us to:

  • place the most important information at the top of the page
  • use plain English
  • make sure our information is current and correct
  • provide information in different ways, such as with videos and infographics
  • use short paragraphs, clear headings and lists so content is easy to scan and read
  • make sure we're not repeating content
  • make sure our content is accessible
  • use language understood by our users.


There are 3 improved ways to look for information on our website. You can use:

  • our main navigation menu – available at the top of every page to browse our entire website
  • our side navigation menu – available within content to browse within sections
  • tags – available at the bottom of our content pages to browse across health topics.


Our improved search helps you to:

  • find search results that are more relevant
  • narrow down your search results using filters.

Continual improvement

We want to continually improve our website. You can help us by providing feedback through our feedback form – you can fill this in at any time to tell us what you think of the website.

Date last updated:

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