What is young people’s health?
Young people’s health covers people aged between 16 and 24. It refers to everything needed to help you be healthy:
- physically
- mentally
- socially
- emotionally.
This includes:
- primary care – such as for illness, injuries, health checks or care for chronic conditions
- health prevention and promotion – such as immunisation and information about sexual health, alcohol and drugs
- allied health care – such as for psychotherapy or nutrition advice.
Why young people’s health is important
All young people deserve to reach their potential and be safe, healthy and thriving. Your health when young is important in building strong foundations for future wellbeing.
Health as a young person can affect your:
- educational achievements
- lifestyle and relationships
- shift from education to the workforce
- transition to becoming a parent
- connection to the community.
It even affects the future social and economic wellbeing of our community.
Poor health as a young person increases your risk of chronic health conditions, such as:
- mental health issues
- cancer
- heart disease.
Poor mental health can also put you at risk of:
- self-harm
- homelessness
- substance use
- suicide.
We want to prevent and reduce chronic health conditions and poor health by helping you adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Young people’s health in Australia
Young Australians are generally doing well. In 2020–21:
- 74.3% aged 15 to 24 considered themselves to be in excellent or very good health.
- 61.3% aged 15 to 24 had no chronic health conditions.
- 97% aged 15 to 17 had never smoked tobacco.
- 83.3% aged 18 to 24 had never smoked tobacco.
- 48.2% aged 18 to 24 did not usually consume sugar-sweetened or diet drinks.
Source: Health conditions and risks, Australian Bureau of Statistics.
While most young Australians are healthy, some have conditions and behaviours that put their health at risk:
- 28.1% aged 16 to 17 were overweight or obese in 2017–18.
- 46.0% aged 18 to 24 were overweight or obese in 2017–18.
- While 1.9% aged 15 to 17 exceeded the adult Australian Alcohol Guidelines in 2020-21, this was 26.3% for 18 to 24 year olds.
- 21.7% aged 18 to 24 had vaped at least once and 4.8% regularly did so in 2020–2021.
- 27.5% of 15 to 24 years had mental health or behavioural conditions (higher than any other age group) in 2020–21.
- 48.3% of 18 to 24 year olds experienced at least one stressor (such as poor mental health, not being able to get a job, loss of a job, and the death of a family member or close friend) in 2020–21.
Source: Health conditions and risks, Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Find out more about research and data about young people’s health.
COVID-19 and young people
While some effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people are emerging, the full impact is complex and not yet fully understood.
Compared with February 2017, psychological distress worsened in April 2020 for people aged 18 to 24. In April 2021, this had improved but was still higher than in February 2017.
Learn more about the impact of COVID-19 on young people.
Finding help and support
Help and support is available. Connect with health services.