About physical activity
Read about what we mean by physical activity and why everyone should be active every day.
What we’re doing
Find out how we developed the guidelines and what we’re doing to encourage people to be active.
Physical activity for everyone
See what you can do to be active every day, whatever your age or circumstances.
Physical activity guidelines
Download or order publications, including the guidelines and tips on building activity in your day.
Pregnancy guidelines – brochure
These guidelines provide information and advice for pregnant women about how much physical activity they should do each day, and about minimising sedentary behaviour.
Physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines – pregnancy
Find your activity guidelines
For infants, toddlers and preschoolers
Help your young child grow healthy, and set good habits for life.
For children and young people
Find ideas on helping children and young people be active.
For adults
Find out what you can do to be active every day, for a healthy body and mind.
For pregnancy
See how active you should be during and after your pregnancy.
For older Australians
Learn how to build activity into your daily life to stay healthy.
Did you know?
1 in 2
adults don't meet the physical activity guidelines
2 in 3
children don't meet the physical activity guidelines
of young people aged 13 to 17 meet the physical activity and sedentary screen-based behaviour guidelines
Sources: AIHW and ABS.